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Hand-Carved Caricature Bolo Ties by Bill Burch

Bill Burch Bolo Ties

About Bill Burch

Bill Burch died on September 25, 2012. With his gift of a hand-carved bolo tie, he has left an amazing legacy and touched the hearts and lives of thousands of people. Bill will be deeply missed now that he has gone to be with his Heavenly Father, but we know that his legacy will live on.

Bill Burch has made a difference in the lives of many Scouts over the years. With a gift of a hand-carved bolo tie, he has challenged and inspired tens of thousands of boys to follow the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives.

A Scouting Legacy

Caricatures like these are made from the wood of aspen trees, which grow all over the mountains of Utah.

In the early 1960s, he started carving wooden bolo tie slides and never stopped. He has made more than 48,000 bolos. Each one is numbered on the back, and almost all of them are worn by a young Scout or a dedicated leader who, in exchange for the gift, promises to follow the Scout Oath and Law for the rest of their lives.

This piece of folk art was inspired by fifty years of working with boys, hundreds of weekend camping trips, and countless hours of singing and telling stories around the campfire. Men and boys have been given thousands of these carvings in the hopes that they will make them more committed to the Scout Oath and Law.

Now, you're being given these carvings because many of your friends asked you to. They are all made by hand, from cutting down the tree to adding the last coat of varnish.

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Bill Burch Carved Wood Bolo Ties


After decades, Orem man still whittles bolos for Scouts