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Lions Club Collectibles: Artifacts of Community, Heritage and Pride

Lions Collectibles The history, service, and shared bonds of Lions Clubs live on through an array of cherished memorabilia and collectibles. Lions clubs worldwide have amassed extensive archives of artifacts over more than a century. Club banners and flags displaying local Lion pride often date back decades. Pins, medals, and awards commemorate outstanding Lions service, leadership, and donations. Souvenirs from international conventions serve as reminders of global fellowship. Vintage photos and documents chronicle the faces and stories of earlier generations of Lions. Melvin Jones Fellow recognition honors continuing the legacy of the founder. For Lions members and collectors alike, these historical items provide a tangible connection to this organization's incredible impact and enduring spirit of service around the world.

Club banners and flags - Lions clubs design banners and flags incorporating their local area, member names, service mottos, and Lions imagery. These frequently decorate clubhouses, parade entries, conventions and other events.

Pins, bolos, medals, and awards - Lions pins and awards honor leadership, donations, and years of service. Limited edition medals for conventions, conferences, and other commemorations are highly collectible.

Convention souvenirs - International convention host cities produce special souvenir items like pins, programs, and collectible coins or currency. These serve as mementos of the sites and occasions where Lions gather worldwide.

Vintage photos and documents - Archived photographs, newsletters, ledgers, and records provide visual insight into the past membership, service activities, and operations of Lions clubs worldwide.

Melvin Jones Fellow recognition - This honor conferred by the Lions Clubs International Foundation recognizes outstanding humanitarian work, named after the organization's founder.

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Lions Clubs International
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Lions Clubs International Official Website
Wikipedia - Lions Clubs International
Lions100 - Lions Clubs 100th Anniversary
PrepScholar - Overview of Lions Clubs